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Da Dong 大董 is a well-known chain restaurant that offer various types of Peking Duck, and for this occasion, we decided to go with the 22-day-old baby duck.

To best describe the pancake - a fly in the ointment.

Mr. Chow2023.08

Prior to delving into the topic of the duck itself, allow me to take a moment to discuss the restaurant’s interior. The predominant palette was an overwhelming white, with a sizeable blue illuminated X adorning the ceiling and a central white bar that cut through the space. The ambiance somehow evoked the feeling of dining within an overly lit hospital waiting room. Despite the generous ceiling height, the dining area was filled with resounding voices bouncing across the expanse—honestly, not my cup of tea.

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The wait time was surprisingly brief, clocking in at under 15 minutes for a Peking Duck establishment, which was a godsend for someone like me who is perpetually plagued by hunger pangs. A friend had recommended the 22-day Peking Duck, promising a more tender and lean meat experience. When the duck arrived, it was undeniably endearing—a plump, golden masterpiece that emitted an audible crispness as the chef skilfully carved into it. Observing this culinary spectacle was nothing short of mouthwatering. As an intriguing side note, my friend enlightened me that Dadong restaurants were pioneers in the art of consuming Peking duck skin-only, with a sugary dip.

Finally, the moment arrived to savour the duck itself. The meat was delicately succulent and surprisingly devoid of excessive grease — a welcomed departure from the all-too-common greasy fat-filled bites that many Peking ducks across the globe seem to feature. However, my delight in the duck’s qualities was offset by a notable disappointment: the pancake. It bore the texture of a parched desert, striking a discordant note that cast a shadow over the entire dining experience. We also tried the 狮子头 Lion’s Head, a stewed meatball dish – it was alright nothing much to say about it.

Taste: 7 / 10
Service: 7 / 10
Ambiance: 4 / 10
Tempo: 7 / 10

Value for Money: 7/10, priced at RMB260.50. Regrettably, this initial foray into Peking duck within Beijing left me underwhelmed, as I had held lofty expectations for the culinary epicentre of this world-renowned dish. Yet, my friend assured me that other branches of Da Dong deliver a superior experience, so I'm optimistic about giving it another shot in the future.

Address: 东方金融中心 3F